Are you wondering what all the talk is about Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?
SEO is a leading digital marketing tool that can give businesses the online visibility they need. Even a basic SEO campaign can drive traffic to a website and increase conversion rates.
So how does SEO work this magic?
In a nutshell, SEO takes advantage of the fact that many people find information and businesses online by Google searching.
But there’s much more to it than just that.
In this post, we’ll talk about how SEO works and how it can help your company today!
Read on for insight.
What is SEO?
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is, at its heart, a savvy digital marketing tool. It’s highly accessible, too. Any business can use SEO to promote their online content.
So how does SEO work? SEO has to do with the frequency with which people perform Google or Bing searches to find businesses, services, and other information.
Search engines are the go-to for mobile users, too, when it comes to seeking out local businesses and instant answers.
Whenever someone does a Google search, he/she is more likely to click on the results that are on the first page of listings. What’s more, they’ll pay special attention to the listings at the top.
This is because Google gives priority to the sites that it deems the “best match” for that one search.
As you can imagine, those top spots are coveted amongst businesses. If your website appears on the second page of search listings for a search, it’s not likely to be seen as much as one that appears on the first.
Believe it or not, you actually do have control over these rankings. That’s where SEO comes in.
SEO is designed to help you optimize your online content for specific keywords that people are likely to type into Google. If used correctly, SEO can give you a higher ranking on Google.
Higher rankings can lead to higher numbers of organic traffic to your site or other digital platforms. And more organic traffic can mean more sales and business growth for you!
How Does SEO Work?
Now that we’ve discussed the general overview of SEO, let’s look at how it actually works for you and your business.
1. It’s All About the Keywords
At the end of the day, the right keywords are at the heart of a successful SEO campaign. The trick with SEO is coming up with the right keywords that you want people to use in order to discover your site.
This takes some research and planning. In fact, that’s why professional SEO services exist in the first place, so that business owners don’t have to do all this research themselves.
Nonetheless, it is possible to tackle SEO all on your own without relying on outside help.
You can start by brainstorming common associative keywords for your brand. For example, if you own a vegan cafe, you could choose the following keywords: “vegan cafe in Dallas,” or “vegan cuisine.”
If you own a pet grooming business, one keyword could simply be “pet grooming” or “pet care.”
Perform a few organic searches of your own to see what comes up when you type in certain phrases or keywords. Note if your website appears in any of these searches.
This is helpful because it can also identify your competition and what keywords are “trending” at the moment.
But you can also use a variety of tools to analyze the keyword landscape and come up with the ones most likely to deliver. Check out Google’s Keyword Planner, for example.
Once you have some great keywords chosen, it’s time to optimize.
2. Google Does Have Its Rules
Speaking of Google, it is important to play by the rules when implementing SEO. When you ask the question, “How does SEO work?” the answer has a lot to do with what Google thinks.
Check out Google’s advice for a Google-friendly site. It says a lot about what you can and can’t do with SEO.
For example, you don’t want to over-optimize your content. This means plunking in countless keywords into content, which isn’t likely to make sense.
You also want to have an authoritative, clean, professional website. Google likes responsive design, and it likes sites that are optimized for mobile users.
It also likes it when a lot of other websites have links that link directly to yours. This is a sign of authority.
It additionally values content that is relevant to users. All of your online content should be crisp, concise, and distinct across pages.
If you really want to give your SEO campaign some punch, flesh out your social media profiles and local citations. Google loves sites that have a firm grounding across multiple platforms.
3. Optimization Is a Science
When it’s time to optimize, be cautious in your use of keywords. Optimization is a science, and it’s easy to upset the balance.
In general, use a keyword five times per 500 words of content. You should also use different keywords per webpage.
Keywords should appear once in titles of pages, one header, the introduction, the conclusion, and the body itself. You can even optimize images and video content for keywords!
When you optimize for the first time, you can check on your progress by performing a quick Google search. Check out your ranking now!
SEO may sound easy, and in many ways it is. But optimization takes thought and effort. Don’t be afraid to practice until it’s right. (also see our post on 7 Ways Your Business Can Dominate Local SEO)
4. SEO Is Constantly Changing
So how does SEO work? Well, SEO is constantly changing, because people’s preferences are always changing.
Google searches will always vary from day to day, based off of what people are interested in. A successful SEO campaign keeps this in mind.
SEO requires constant attention and flexibility. You may have to change up keywords one week into a campaign.
In this sense, SEO forces you to keep up with your consumer. It requires analyzing your data constantly–check out Google Analytics for that.
SEO works when you play by its rules. You can also see How SEO Outsourcing Can Save You Time and Money
How Does SEO Work? Final Thoughts
Search Engine Optimization really is the future of digital marketing. It can be your answer to getting seen across multiple digital platforms.
SEO works by harnessing the power of the search engine, and the consumer behind every Google search. It involves optimizing your digital content for certain keywords in order to boost your Google ranking.
What’s more, it’s a shifting field. SEO keeps Google’s rules in mind and the changing preferences of every consumer.
At IntoClicks, we are your solution when it comes to the need for greater digital visibility. We can help bring clients to you today. We offer SEO Service in Tucson and across the county. Start a conversation with us today!