Never Run Out of Ideas for Blog Posts: 10 Quick Tips
So, you started blogging. It’s a rewarding experience: writing about topics that you’re passionate about, sharing your expertise with the online world, and seeing your content actually help other people. Sometimes the blog posts are even fun to write — when the ideas are flowing easily it barely feels like work. But writer’s block kicks in for the best of us eventually – if there’s anything a regular writer knows it’s that ideas don’t come on demand.
Here are 10 quick tips to kick the writer’s block right back and keep your posts on schedule, even when you don’t have ideas for new content.
1. Don’t overwrite
Don’t write too much or too often.
Blog burnout happens fastest when your blog posts are too long and too packed with information; or when you post too often, overwhelming yourself and your readers. If you find yourself getting really excited about a topic and going on long tangents, split it into several topics each with their own blog post.
Consider how often you want to hear from the blogs you follow. People follow your blog because they want to hear what you have to say — but overwhelmingly long reads and tons of new blog post notifications can drive away readers.
2. Be aware of news in your field
Follow other blogs in your field, sign up for to receive local press releases in your email, and stay up to date on relevant topics in the news. If you want the information on your blog to be timely and useful to your readers, you have to keep learning and stay up to date on the topics you’re writing about.
If you or your company are featured in the news, be sure to make a blog post about it and ask them to link your website in their article — backlinks to news sites are great for building your website’s credibility with search engines like Google.
3. Answer questions from your readers
If a reader asks a question on one of your blog posts, write another blog post about it! For every reader who asks a question, there’s many more who didn’t ask but would also love to know the answer. Look for frequently asked questions among your blog readers and customers and dive into those first.
4. Upcoming events
Post about relevant upcoming events, whether you are participating in them or not. Your readers may be interested and able to join. If you do go to an event, write a blog post reviewing your experience and highlighting anything you learned. Don’t wait for a big event – any learning or networking experience counts.
Also be sure to post about any upcoming events, specials or happenings within your company — for example, the opening of a new location, a new team member getting hired, or the release of a new service or product.
5. Advice and tips
No bit of advice is too small to write a blog post about. Don’t underestimate your own expertise — if there is a tip or trick that helped you along the way to where you are, share it with your readers! There’s at least one person out there who has never thought of doing things your way, and could benefit from your knowledge and experience.
6. Holidays and seasonal
Greet your readers with holiday and seasonal blog posts. How are you or your company preparing for the upcoming season? Are you running any specials or releasing any new services?
This is especially helpful for blogs or businesses that are busy during certain seasons, such as pool service companies, landscapers, or online shopping sites. When your busy season approaches, make sure to bring in business with a seasonal blog post to remind your customers that it’s time to get in on your services.
7. Thank your readers
People love to feel appreciated! If you’re out of ideas, take a moment to write a post thanking your readers for their readership.
8. Write about your services/products
If you have a company that provides services or products, you already have a list of things to blog about. Write a blog post for each service or product detailing what its benefits are. End with a call to action to check out your services with a link to a relevant page on your website.
9. Tell relevant stories
With all the news and information we get every day online, sometimes it’s nice to just read a story relevant to our interests. If you had a particularly memorable or learnable experience that your readers might gain something from, share it on your blog.
Or, try sharing some details about your own story — what experiences have you had that make you a blogging expert on a topic? If you have a company, how and why did your company come to be?
10. Reuse content from old articles
If you’ve been running your blog for a while, you have a lot of old blog posts. Remember that not every reader reads every blog post, and even if they do, it’s unlikely they will remember them all months or years later.
If you made a post a while back that’s still relevant or useful to your readers, add any new information you have on the topic and post it again. Or, pick content from several related posts you previously released and combine them into a new one.
Learn More About Blog Content Creation
Content Creation is a vital part of many online marketing and SEO strategies. Do you need help with this or just want to learn more? We offer professional blog writing services that are written and SEOed to help grow your business. Contact us for more details.