New businesses struggle in two main areas:
- Finding more time and making more money
- Saving time and money
The reason your business could be struggling to find the time to make more money is your marketing plan. There is too much on your plate and you aren’t alone. In fact, 70% of small businesses do all of their own marketing.
SEO outsourcing is the answer. How many hours have you spent staring at your computer screen trying to think of some content to post on your website?
How many hours have you spent researching SEO trying to figure out how to tackle this mammoth task that really has no direct involvement with your company’s product or service?
Keep reading to find out how to delegate the right SEO tasks to the right professionals.
Writing Content
Coming up with an about and contact page is pretty easy. What we’re talking about, primarily, are blog posts. This is what keeps a lot of owners up at night.
You know you need content to keep web traffic rolling into the site. Every company needs social sites and something to share on those pages.
Blogging should be used as a marketing tool, not writing for the sake of writing. If your words don’t have any value to readers, then they aren’t going to read it. What they’re going to do is click the “unsubscribe” option in their email.
Your blog isn’t your business. Your business is your business. It’s easy to get lost in this game, which is why SEO outsourcing is so important.
Who Should Be Writing?
There are freelance writers, all over the globe, typing away on keyboards at this very moment. Millions of people write blog posts for a living. They exist in every niche.
You can find them all over the web. Try sites like Upwork, Problogger, and Blogging Pro to find real professionals who are experts in your industry. They know how to write with SEO in mind while still creating quality, shareable content.
Another option is to find a digital marketing firm with their own team of writers. They’ll make it easy for you. For a price, they’ll come up with topics, create the content, and even post it on your site.
Imagine the time saved and what you can do to focus on your company, creating or producing a top-notch product or service.
Social Media
Next-level SEO outsourcing is finding someone to handle your social media. This is another marketing strategy where you can lose entire days of real work by getting lost in the abyss of the internet.
Our suggestion is to find a virtual assistant.
This way, instead of hiring someone in-house for $50k a year, you can start slow at an hourly rate and send a 1099 form at the end of the year. You won’t have to worry about paying benefits or someone calling in sick.
The real key is to understand what social media is and what it is not.
The Real Use of Social Media for Business
It’s more than your content. In fact, if you have nothing to say other than what you and the business are up to at the moment, you might be better off doing nothing at all.
Share blog posts, infographics, videos, and anything else you can find your target audience will appreciate.
Social media, more than anything else, is about engagement and interaction with your customers and potential customers. While this may not be the best use of a VA, you or another manager can handle reputation management and interaction while the VA concerns themselves with posts and sharing content.
Some SEO firms can deliver when it comes to social media. Some don’t offer it.
It comes down to what you want and what the agency you’re working with is capable of doing. If they can’t do what you want them to do, then a VA is likely your best bet and it’s going to save you hours and cash.
Link Building and SEO Outsourcing
Link building is a dangerous game if you don’t know what you’re doing. You can find yourself deindexed or smacked around by an algorithm update pretty easily.
Doing some local SEO stuff is simple and something you can do completely on your own. Look for lists of local citation websites and start a Google My Business account.
None of that is going to hurt you and it’ll help push your site up through the local rankings, provided everything else you’re doing is on point. However, anything beyond the local stuff can be messy.
Do I Really Need Links?
Yes. You want links.
They’re an indicator to search engines that say how trustworthy your site is and how authoritative your content is to your chosen niche or industry.
The difference between being a good link builder and a great one is a matter of knowing what to build and when. Getting a link on a website with a great domain authority is awesome, but if it isn’t relevant to your website, it can be manually devalued by Google.
When it comes to SEO outsourcing, this is the most important aspect to save for someone else. Only a fine line separates the white hat from the gray hat.
Are you sure you know the difference?
Your business website being penalized by Google can potentially cost thousands, if not tens of thousands, in revenue. The indirect downside is how much time you will lose while struggling to pull your own website out of the gutter.
The Bottom Line
SEO is a massive industry because the great agencies can do more for your website than you can do. SEO outsourcing will give you better results and save you time and money in the long run.
You can focus on growing your business and let the growth of your website stay in the capable hands of a digital marketing powerhouse.
The powerhouse? That’s us.
We’re the Tucson SEO service experts you’ve been waiting for, contact us today. We’ll tell you exactly how we can help.